Graphic depicts a moving body, perhaps even elements of the motion for swinging a club. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Designed and manufactured to be kinder to your skin, body and the environment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chemicals used in textiles; source material from O Ecotextiles. Formaldehyde is used often in finishing textiles to give the fabrics easy care properties (like wrinkle resistance, anti cling, stain resistance, etc.). Formaldehyde is a listed human carcinogen. A study by The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health found a link in textile workers between length of exposure to formaldehyde and leukemia deaths. Dioxins: Main uses of dioxin in relation to textiles are as a preservative for fibers during sea transit. It is also found in some dyestuff. Dioxin is known as one of the strongest poisons which man is able to produce. Studies have found dioxins are transferred from textiles to human skin during wearing. They were also present in shower water and were washed out of textiles during washing Perfluorocarbons (PFC’s) break down within the body and in the environment to PFOA, PFOS and similar chemicals. They are the most persistent synthetic chemicals known to man. Once they are in the body, it takes decades to get them out – assuming you are exposed to no more. They are toxic in humans with health effects from increased cholesterol to stroke and cancer. A growing number of researchers believe that fabric-based, stain-resistant coatings, which are ubiquitous, may be the largest environmental source of this controversial chemical family of PFCs. PFC’s are used in stain resistant finishes/fabrics such as GoreTex, Teflon Chemicals used in textile processing which are associated with the immune system include formaldehyde, benzene's, toluene, phthalates. In 2007, The National Institutes of Health and the University of Washington released the findings of a 14 year study that demonstrates those who work with textiles were significantly more likely to die from an autoimmune disease than people who didn't Chemicals commonly used in textiles which contribute to developmental disorders (such as (ADD, ADHA, autism, Dyslexia): Bisphenol A, flame retardants, heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium), phthalates, PCB’s: Bisphenol A – used as a finish in the production of synthetic fibers: It mimics estrogen (is an endocrine disruptor) and can cause infertility and cancer. PCB’s used in flame retardants on fabrics; they are neurotoxins, endocrine disruptors and carcinogenic Cancer – chemicals used in textile processing which are linked to cancer include formaldehyde, lead, cadmium, benzene as well as pesticides on crops: Lead – used in the textile industry in a variety of ways and as a component in dyestuff - is a neurotoxin – it affects the human brain and cognitive development, as well as the reproductive system. Some of the kinds of neurological damage caused by lead are not reversible. Children are uniquely susceptible to lead exposure. Lead is used in the textile industry in a variety of ways and under a variety of names: 1.Lead acetate: dyeing of textiles 2.Lead chloride preparation of lead salts 3.Lead molybdate pigments used in dyestuffs 4.Lead nitrate mordant in dyeing; oxidizer in dyeing Lead is a uniquely cumulative poison. Golf Refugees are calling for apparel brands to voluntarily provide a list of the chemicals used to their consumers. For example sportswear brands could post their 'restricted substance list' on their web sites. Please feel free to ask your favorite apparel brands what chemicals they use. Golf Refugees are also asking the regulators to ban the use of lead in children's apparel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I eat chocolate, especially dark chocolate. The packaging design provides an air of quality / luxury and there’s a list of ingredients and a breakdown of nutritional value in terms of protein, carbohydrates and sugars etc. You could argue that the data provided is hard to process whilst shopping, but at least its there and if you keep the wrapper you can then compare chocolate bars from rival brands.
But there is an alarming piece of information missing, which could spoil eating chocolate for many consumers. It is the fact that most cocoa farms use child labour.
So how about putting that information on your favourite chocolate bar?
BBC presenter / comedian Alex Riley, did just that, he went out onto the streets and asked consumers would they like to taste his new chocolate bar which stated ‘made using child labour’ printed on the packaging. Unsurprisingly many consumers felt uneasy, reluctant to indulge. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.
It should be on there, as it is accurate and factually correct.
It would then create pressure via greater consumer awareness and potentially lower sales for the industry to do something abut it. Yes, this is how the industry currently operates, and it is a very difficult problem to resolve as most of the cocoa used is untraceable.
This labelling should be the default position until brands can prove otherwise. Fair-trade chocolate does provide some traceability and hence it is usually more expensive.
I would argue consumer goods need to have such information. There needs to be more distinction between brands that are actually trying to do something about it, rather than ignoring it and just spending all of their money on marketing. With the omission of such consumer information there is no commercial incentive to make any changes.
You can see this trait in many other consumer goods for example; textiles. The default position should have to be full disclosure until brands can prove otherwise. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The heritage of brands is intrinsically linked to world events. Comedian Russell Brand’s rhetoric at the recent GQ Men of the Year awards, linking sponsors Hugo Boss with making uniforms for the Nazi’s may appear wholly inappropriate, but it is natural for native brands to support their fellow countrymen, whether this be in conflict or in sporting events.
With this in mind, Golf Refugees 2014 collection will include apparel donning the royal red, white and blue.
If any tour players would like to be draped in this attire, please get in touch. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The above video demonstrates our initial spiral pattern golf ball.
We would like to hear your views on 360 degree printed pattern golf balls. Good idea, bad idea?
They are more expensive to manufacture because of the addition time it takes to print the 360 degree pattern. These golf balls can offer increased all round visibility, through combining colour and pattern. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
He’s already livened up Question Time – and now Russell Brand is set to bring his own unique spin on current affairs to BBC Newsnight in a pre-recorded interview with Jeremy Paxman.
The comedian and actor- who is guest editing a special edition of The New Statesman – will discuss his desire for a revolution, a subject which sees him in typically outspoken form.
‘The planet is being destroyed, we are creating an underclass, exploiting poor people all over the world, and the genuine legitimate problems of the world are not being addressed by our political parties,’ he said in the interview.
And when Paxman implied he agreed with Brand on many of his views, he retorted: ‘Then why do I feel so cross with you? It can’t be because of that beard – it’s gorgeous, grow it longer, tangle it into your armpit hair.’
Paxman went on to call him ‘a very trivial man’ – something which Brand challenged, telling him: ‘A minute ago you were having a go at me for wanting a revolution, now I’m trivial.’
The comedian caused outrage at the GQ Men Of The Year awards recently (Picture: Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images)
The comic’s meltdown – which involved hitting out at event sponsors Hugo Boss – came as he was collecting an award at the bash.
‘If you know a little bit about history and fashion you’ll know that Hugo Boss made the uniforms for the Nazis but you know they did look f***ing fantastic, let’s face it, while they were killing people on the basis of their religion and sexuality,’ he told the crowd, adding: ‘Genocide quips are OK.’
The full Newsnight interview will be aired on tonight’s show which begins at 10.30pm on BBC Two.
The current rules of golf restrict the performance of modern
golf balls in terms of initial velocity, overall mass and size.
However in the hands of professional golfers ball distances
are increasing and many championship golf courses, year on year, have to be
lengthened. What can be done?
Golf Refugees have a solution. Why don’t the governing
bodies of golf and the manufacturers get together and agree to introduce a rule
stating future golf balls will have a minimum of say 25% recycled materials
contained in their construction. This could be limited to the polybutadiene
core or embrace the whole ball. Including a percentage of recycled materials
will reduce the performance of the golf ball, as 100% virgin materials offer
greater performance.
Please note that just saying golf balls are made from
recyclable materials is not the same as saying golf balls have to be
constructed using recycled materials. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
How long will Tiger Woods last? Hopefully he will last for many years to come. Unfortunately for his children and his children’s children, his Nike TW sports apparel will last between 500-1,000 years. That is each one of his polyester ‘plastic’ polo shirts he has ever worn. Long after Tiger has moved on to next season colours, what happens to his old Nike polyester apparel? Polyester ‘plastic’ does not biodegrade, instead, it photo-degrades with sunlight, breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces, but they never really disappear. These plastic pieces can be eaten by marine life or washed up on beaches. It sounds far fetched, but Tiger could be reacquainted with pieces of his old Nike apparel when lying on the beach or swimming in the ocean.
Plastic in the ocean breaks down into such small segments that pieces of polyester from one of Tiger’s polo shirts could end up on every mile of beach throughout the world.
Even if we stopped using plastics today, they will remain with us for many generations, threatening both human and ocean health.
Solution; use less plastic. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We have the propensity to ignore the tastes and desires of the masses and just produce self-indulgent designs. However this time, we feel, we have created a graphic tee which could be appreciated and worn by so many people.
Obviously this marvelous ethically made organic cotton shirt should be stocked by all reputable golf professional shops. ----------------------------------------------------------
When Golf Refugees designed the original heat-absorbing black golf ball, which now holds a Guinness World Record for distance, we used a circular graphic with a lower case ‘r’. Our initial test samples of our new ‘spiral’ golf ball used an upper case ‘R’ logo. Now we are contemplating ditching the ‘R’ logo and replacing it with an angled ‘S’ logo. Our reasoning behind this is to use a single alphabetic character that also resembles a number; S and 5.
But you don’t have to use a number on a golf ball. There are lots of really good graphic symbols. Everyone needs a lucky golf ball so how about using a four leaf clover design?
Please let us know what you think. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As a rule sportswear brands refuse to inform their customers which chemicals are being used to make their apparel. We've managed to persuade Puma to send us their 2013 Material Restricted List, where you can now compare which substances are used in Puma’s synthetic fibre; polyester, nylon and natural fibre; cotton clothing. You may be very surprised to learn exactly what you are purchasing and wearing. As no apparel labels or apparel reviews ever contain this information. Next time you see a picture of a sponsored athlete weaning a brightly coloured polyester outfit, you can now be knowledgeable in the fact they are actually wearing a cocktail of chemicals including; antimony, lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, formaldehyde, chlorinated phenols, organotin compounds, nonylphenolethoxlates and more………… To give you a better idea you can also ‘google’ the ones you haven’t heard of. You can also be reassured that current EU regulations allow brands to use any amounts of these substances without having to test their finished adult and children’s apparel products. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wearable technology is a growing trend. Future garments will be able to monitor everything from health parameters such as your heart beat, to recharging your smart phones using flexible solar panels, real time feedback for performance athletes and many other applications.
Golf Refugees with our little green beanies on are currently researching and developing wearable technology apparel to provide information to increase consumer awareness.
Think of the scenario when you are strolling down the fairways with your playing partners and apparel sensors detects one of your golfers are wearing clothing made in a sweatshop. The sensors will illuminate LED’s embedded into you shirt and activate a ‘sweatshop’ graphic with a directional arrow, which points towards the offending shirt. If you happen to be standing in-between two golfers wearing unethical sweatshop apparel, the illuminated directional arrow on your shirt with flick, pointing to one side and then the other.
You can also imagine the situation when you are a spectator following and supporting your favourite professional golfers on tour. Standing near them on the tee could activate the sensors.
We appreciate this may be uncomfortable for some highly sponsored professional golfers who also wear sweatshop apparel, but hey, sometimes the truth hurts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thirty Greenpeace activists are currently being detained in Russian
on charges of piracy, which carries a prison sentence of up to 15 years.
In any dispute there are always two sides. On one side you
have the safety and security of employee’s working on oil platforms and then
you have the rights for environmental campaigners to express their concern about
protecting planet Earth.
The irony of this situation is with the burning of fossil
fuels mankind has contributed to climate change resulting in melting icecaps
and creating an opportunity to access the natural resources of one of the few remaining
untouched regions of our planet; The Arctic.
I guess the burning questions we have to ask ourselves are,
how do we feel about using hydrocarbons drilled from the arctic?
Shell and Gazprom have agreed to the exploration and
development of hydrocarbons in the Arctic. The Russian state is the majority
shareholder in Gazprom, which owns the entire infrastructure and sole means to
supply gas to domestic and export markets.
How does any of this relate to the Golf Industry? Shell are sponsors
of the PGA tour event called The Houston Shell Open. Plus let us not forget
that polyester apparel, which is worn by the vast majority of golfers, is a 'plastic' product derived from hydrocarbons.
Please let us know if you would be prepared to play with a golf ball
which supported the actions of Greenpeace in trying to save the unspoiled arctic region from the environmental
damage caused by drilling for hydrocarbons? ---------------------------------------------------
You really need to start asking your favourite brands which toxic chemicals they use in the products you buy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Graduate was on telly last night. Even though I've seen it many times, it still looks and sounds great. So many memorable scenes.
This time round I did spot Ben's mum wearing a black and white spiral dress. So here’s
to you Mrs Braddock. ----------------------------------------------------------
I didn't know McDonald's sponsored LPGA star Michelle Wie. With Phil Knight's Nike on the outside and Ronald McDonald on the inside, its the all American dream. Mmm I'm lovin the balls and the Royale with cheese. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
With the USA in 'shutdown', its a great time to get the decorators in and give The White House a lick of paint. ----------------------------------------------------------
Ever wondered why we are all wearing synthetic fibre sports apparel derived from petroleum and chemically based? Interesting to learn that Dupont Chemical funded the anti- hemp effort. This is because they had patents on new synthetic fibers and Hemp had a new machine that would put them out of business if hemp were to be used for clothes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------